Thursday, May 6, 2010


I stopped expecting my district to make sense years ago. We are  what we are.

A few months ago we were told that a K-6 Charter School was going to be placed on our Middle School campus. Just imagine the kindergartners playing in the field with the 8th graders. There is a reason why normal elementary schools have the kindergartners in their own little gated area away from the general population! They'll get mowed down, stepped on, and probably lost! I mean the idea isn't even stupid. The concerns of parking, drop off and pick up of students, recess space, eating areas and library use all make the proposal a bit questionable to say the least. Political? 

Apparently, someone on a higher pay scale than me decided it might not be the ideal place for a charter school. I actually don't even care what the reason not to place a K-6 charter on my campus was because I doubt if it would make much sense to me anyhow.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What I Hate About the Teachers Cafeteria

Well, the food, that’s a given.
I hate the children’s meals with unsweetened ice tea. The pizza, the lasagna, the chicken nuggets…is it any wonder why students buy Flaming Hots to eat.
But, that’s not what I really dislike about the teacher’s cafeteria. It’s the whine, without the cheese. I appreciate a good rant every now-and-then, but, everyday it’s the same sad song. You see, if all you do is complain, whine and snivel about how bad your class is then that’s all you ever notice.
Did you ever notice that some teacher’s year-in and year-out have bad classes? “Oh, this class is awful! These kids don’t want to do anything! They are so disrespectful and their parents are no help at all!” Maybe it’s not the kids?
Successful people overcome obstacles rather than allow themselves to be controlled or limited by them. Negative people only see problems because it gives them an excuse for their lack of success.
I salute the teachers I know he consider every student failure a failure of their own and strive to help every student become successful.