Friday, April 30, 2010


Thank God it’s Friday because:
·        It’s not Thursday (a la Ground Hog’s Day) (4/16/10)
·        Only 9 more left (including today) and tomorrow I get to watch my son race his pinewood derby car with the big boys ;) (4/16/10)
·        Only 8 more left and I’m tired of apparently being the Dean of Bonehead U. (4/30/10)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

OK, Enough Already, Now Retire

About seven or eight years ago I began a master’s degree program in educational leadership. After a few classes I was accepted into a federal leadership grant for urban school administration. Very nice, I only had to pay for books and few classes to earn my master’s along with my administrative credential. All throughout the program I kept hearing how in five to seven years over 30% or so of the administrators for our district were going to retire.

Ok, times up. Where are all these retirees? Retire already and get out of the way!

So, memo to possible retirees: Retire already! Next year there will be pay cuts and more work. Isn’t it time for you to be relaxing, golfing, traveling, telling stories about back in the day?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Day Off….Campus

Off-campus training can be nice sometimes. Yesterday was almost one of those days. The speaker was great, my colleagues were good, and it was at a local school so I didn’t have very far to drive. But, with all the cut backs we had to have the meeting at a local school auditorium and buy our own lunch. They did have coffee, well, the teacher’s cafeteria version of a coffee-like substance. The seats were hard, cold metal.

Now, I guess I am like Bilbo Baguns, reaching middle age and beginning to be stout. So, being subjected to sitting in a cold, hard metal chair is more of a torture experience than anything else. I just might agree to anything after a couple of hours in one of those devises.

One thing the speaker said that I thought was timely was that we as teachers often forget that our attitude often dictates the mood of the class. She is from the south and in their state they don’t have a union and a surplus of teachers. Her point was that in light of the current economic state we should all be thankful that we have jobs. She’s right. Even in my state and district where we have a union, there are bills being passed that will make it easier to cleanse schools/districts of underperforming teachers.

By-the-way, the training was on discipline. Good stuff.

I am blessed to work at a pretty good school. Most of the staff plays well with others and tries to get along and help each other. I do thank my God, for a job.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Got You Babe

I would like to give a "blogout" to my lovely wife!
Thanks for being such a great wife and putting up with me for the last 14 years.
Thanks for being a spectacular mother to our children.

Here's to love that lasts a life time and in the words of Sonny Bono, it's always good to know, "I got you babe."
