Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Whose is the Real Teacher?

I am a teacher. I fancy myself to be a pretty effective teacher. I generally have a great rapport with students and parents. I do my best to provide each student with as many opportunities to understand, learn and master the content as time allows. I believe the data says I am doing much better than most, if not all professional baseball players’ batting averages.

I am also a parent and a realist. I have been in education over 20 years. What is the reality? Good parents produce good kids.

If you read to your children until they want to read to you and then read with them until they start to read alone, they stand a much better chance of success than if you do not. Most parents who do this would also place them into an afterschool tutoring program if they were not being successful.

Two truths: 1) you, the parent are your children first and most important teacher and advocate 2) kudos to you parents who make sure your children understand what I the teacher do not always make so clear. 

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