Friday, May 28, 2010


Thank God it’s Friday because:
·        It’s not Thursday (a la Ground Hog’s Day) (4/16/10)
·        Only 9 more left (including today) and tomorrow I get to watch my son race his pinewood derby car with the big boys ;) (4/16/10)
·        Only 8 more left and I’m tired of apparently being the Dean of Bonehead U. (4/30/10)
·        Testing is over & I will be hanging out with adults(5/14)
·        I took the day off (5/21)
·        Only three more Fridays left and even though it’s a furlough day, it’s still a day off. (5/28)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let's Make a Deal

OK campers, the natives are restless and we are making our way to the home stretch. The hot topic around the virtual cooler is what to do with the kids who have already decided to check out? You know the ones that the not so all wise counselor decided to tell them with a month left in school that the stand a snowballs chance in hell of graduating and walking the stage. The parents send them to school because they can't afford a big-babysitter.  I myself try the Let's Make a Deal Approach because the object is to get them to learn as much as they can and are willing to learn.

If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them.