Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Navigating the Moodleverse

Image representing Elluminate as depicted in C...Image via CrunchBase
Star date: Wednesday, July 28, 2010

OK, this is my third week as an online classroom "teacher" and I doubt if I have done any real teaching. I have, as I have whined before, done a boatload of grading.

On a cool note, I have begun to us a feature called "Elluminate." An Elluminate session is sort of a chat session that I, as the teacher, moderate. Of course, the first few attempts were just learning the ropes and figuring out how to use the different features. I think the greatest challenge so far has been getting the students to correctly log in and participate. What I have resorted to doing is having net-books on site and having students come in and showing them face to face how to navigate the Elluminate session.

What I envision is to be able to have set times for students to log in and ask questions live and I can go over specific elements of upcoming assignments. One baby step at a time, I guess.

That's all for today. See you in the Moodleverse.
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