Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just Set the Bar Lower

Last week, my school, like all the others in the great state of California, participated in the Great Shake disaster drill. All went well. The administrator over the drill announced that it was highly successful. Really?

Two thoughts. One: AW Tozer said that the worst form of deception is self-deception. True indeed. Two: If you set the bar low enough, anyone can jump over it. 

Here's the deal: I was over said event at one time and I, like all of us participating who have been involved as members in different capacities, realize that a lot of details were completely glossed over and ignored. For example, several members were new to our school or to being an emergency team member. They were supposed to practice going to assigned areas and check rooms to see if they were clear or some one needed assistance. No, all we did was sign in at the "command post" and call it even. 

I have been in education 22 years and been at several schools and an evaluation sheet is filled out by every teacher and staff member after every drill. Not this one. The administrator in charge ipso facto declared the drill highly successful. Heaven help us all in the case of a real emergency.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Little Help Please

I taught an intervention class this morning. It's amazing how much some students are NOT understanding in their regular classes.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Off the Hook

It's spring time baby and the kids have gone wild! Love, inhalants and just plain foolishness are the order of the day. It's a good thing "the district" is cutting deans and counselors.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Dumpster

We all have worked with at least one. You know, the administrator who fancies themselves as a very affective delagator. I work with a friend who truely believes he is a great, not good, a great delegater. He dumps without explanation, warning, or discernable reason.

Sometimes, because of the ability and competance of those he dumps on, myself, the coordinators and counselors, things work out.  If we don't understand his signals...he discribes us as incompetent.
Frankly, he's great with numbers but awful with people.